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Auto Sidebar v2.15.1

Word count
943 words
Reading time
6 minutes


Install @nolebase/vitepress-plugin-sidebar to your project dependencies by running the following command:

ni @nolebase/vitepress-plugin-sidebar -D
pnpm add @nolebase/vitepress-plugin-sidebar -D
npm install @nolebase/vitepress-plugin-sidebar -D
yarn add @nolebase/vitepress-plugin-sidebar -D


Integrate with VitePress

In the VitePress configuration file (usually docs/.vitepress/config.ts, the file path and extension may be different), import @nolebase/vitepress-plugin-sidebar as a plugin:

If you've never seen a colored diff before

This is a markup rule for displaying diff in the user interface (UI).

Red parts usually represents the lines you are going to remove, commonly appeared with a Minus sign -, or you could simply understand it as: this line will be removed.

Green parts usually represents the lines you are going to add, commonly appeared with a Plus sign +, or you could simply understand it as: this line will be added.

To learn more about diff, you can check out this answer about the history of diffutils and Git's documentation

import { 
} from 'vitepress'
import {
} from '@nolebase/vitepress-plugin-sidebar'
export default
: 'en',
: 'Site name', // For reference only, please do not copy directly
: 'Description', // For reference only, please do not copy directly
: {
// Other configurations...
'Notes', {
: 'Articles',
: true },
]), }, })



The calculateSidebar function takes an array of items as arguments, each item in the array can be a string or an object. Different types will have different processing logic. Let's take the following practical scenarios to illustrate.

First of all, it should be noted that filling in 'Notes' and { folderName: 'Notes', separate: false } in the configuration parameter is exactly equivalent, so a string-only configuration can be seen as a shortcut for { folderName: 'notes', separate: false }.

Therefore, if you don't want to change types, you can write them all as objects.

Also, in almost 100% of cases, we generate sidebars with the same structure and form as Obsidian and Nolebase, so in most cases, writing only strings will not be a problem.

The only difference is the special separate attribute. When the user configures separate: true, we generate as many sidebars as VitePress is compatible with and supports, which makes it possible to configure different sidebars for different pages.

To put it more bluntly, if you want to be able to show sidebars on page A that are only relevant to the A directory, and on page B that are only relevant to the B directory, then you would need a configuration like [{ folderName: 'A', separate: true }, { folderName: 'B', separate: true }].

Also note that there are some special handling rules:

Top-level ignored

If the parameter is filled with a string like ['notes'], the notes' directory level will be automatically ignored, and only files and directories under notes' will be preserved.


If you have both a string configuration and a separate: true configuration, for example:

  'Tweets', .
  { folderName: 'Articles', separate: true },

Then the first-level ignore rule will no longer be in effect, and instead 'Notes' and 'Tweets' will appear as directory names on pages accessed under /, and 'Articles' will appear as a separate directory on pages accessed under /articles/.

Optional Configuration

The above configuration enables the automatic generation of sidebars. If you wish to achieve the automatic expansion of the top-level folder in a specified path using the collapse:false option available in the native configuration, you can further try the following setup.

Integrate with VitePress

In the VitePress configuration file (usually docs/.vitepress/config.ts, the file path and extension may be different).

import { calculateSidebar } from '@nolebase/vitepress-plugin-sidebar'
import { calculateSidebar as originalCalculateSidebar } from "@nolebase/vitepress-plugin-sidebar"
function calculateSidebarWithDefaultOpen(targets, base) { 
  const result = originalCalculateSidebar(targets, base) 
  if (Array.isArray(result)) { 
    result.forEach(item => { 
      item.collapsed = false
  } else { 
    Object.values(result).forEach(items => { 
      items.forEach(item => { 
        item.collapsed = false
  return result 
export default defineConfig({

Update Sidebar Configuration

export default defineConfig({
  themeConfig: {
    sidebar: calculateSidebarWithDefaultOpen([ 
      { folderName: "A", separate: true },
      { folderName: "B", separate: true },
    ],''), //The base parameter should be set according to your specific configuration //
What is base ?

In the config.ts file, locate the line where you import the function: import { calculateSidebar as originalCalculateSidebar } from "@nolebase/vitepress-plugin-sidebar";.

Hover over calculateSidebar, then click to navigate to the index.d.ts file. You will see something like the following:

interface ArticleTree {
    index: string;
    text: string;
    link?: string;
    lastUpdated?: number;
    collapsible?: boolean;
    collapsed?: boolean;
    items?: ArticleTree[];
    category?: string;
declare function calculateSidebar(targets?: Array<string | {
    folderName: string;
    separate: boolean;
}>, base?: string): ArticleTree[] | Record<string, ArticleTree[]>;

export { calculateSidebar };

From this, we can observe that calculateSidebar() accepts two parameters (target, base).

target is the string or object parameter passed in the configuration file.

base refers to the base path of your VitePress project, typically set as ' '.

The sidebar will display the contents within the folder names specified in the configuration and the top-level folders will be expanded.

Want to expand all levels of folders to their deepest files?

You can try modifying the function defined in the VitePress configuration file as follows:

function calculateSidebarWithDefaultOpen(targets, base) {
  const result = originalCalculateSidebar(targets, base)
  function setAllCollapsedFalse(items) {
    items.forEach(item => {
      item.collapsible = true
      item.collapsed = false
      if (item.items) {
  if (Array.isArray(result)) {
  } else {
    Object.values(result).forEach(items => {
  return result


The avatar of contributor named as Neko Neko
The avatar of contributor named as RyanJoy_1945815 RyanJoy_1945815
The avatar of contributor named as LemonNeko LemonNeko
